

Latvia, Riga, Rupniecibas Str. 11-20; tel.: (371) 7324423; fax: (371) 7323208



In our center customers can buy bustickets from Warsaw and other Poland’s and European cities. They can reserve tickets and check them out later. Tickets are available in one direction or in both directions (to and back) or with OPEN date of return, this means that customers buy this ticket in a local auto station. It’s possibly to buy a ticket to Warsaw from the most of European countries.
Thanking the tight cooperation between “Polish information center” and our business partners from Poland we offer for our customers ferry tickets of the biggest European ferry companies. Departures are from: Latvia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Estonia, France, Holand, Ireland, Spain, Greece and Italy.
Train table: http://www.pkp.pl
In our center You can buy air tickets of polish aviocompany LOT.

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